
How do I search for brewery locations?  Use the above the map to do the following:

  • Location Search - You can filter by state and city. The map will zoom to that location or provide you a list to choose from if there are multiple options.
  • Brewery Search – put in at least 3 letters of a name (or partial name) of a brewery.  The map show you a list of all matches. Click on one to zoom to its location.

Other web mapping functionality works similarly in PubQuest. You can zoom in and out of the map in order to identify additional craft beer locations or get more detail on the streets. Use the Pan (little hand) function (by clicking/holding the mouse on the map) to move the map area up/down/right/left.

How do I identify the locations on the map?

Click on an icon and a pop-up box with the name, address and phone number for that location. If the brewery has a website, you can click on the "Visit Brewery Website" link to go directly to their website (this will open an additional tab or page so you can continue to use PubQuest). If you click on the "View Brewery Detail Page" link, this will take you to the brewery's individual page with additional information (such as email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) if available.

Can I view all the breweries names that are showing on my map?

Yes!  This is done via the toolbox (top, right corner of the map). Click on "Brewery List" for all breweries showing. If there are more than 30 breweries within the map, the list will only show the first 30 (alphabetically), and you will need to zoom in to get more details.

How do I get directions?

This is done via the pop-up for each location. You can choose to start from your current location or the location you searched. You can also choose driving, biking or walking directions. Once you have gotten directions, you can change the location to start as well as the mode (if you decide to bike instead of drive for instance!), and then click "Redo Directions."

What do the different colored symbols mean?

If you go into the toolbox (top, right corner of the map) and choose "Show Map Legend," you will see this across the bottom of the map:



Definitions vary across different jurisdictions and people's interpretations, but for the purposes of PubQuest mapping, the following definitions of the locations apply:

  • Teal = brewery = tasting room, no food
  • Yellow = brewpub = brewery onsite + restaurant
  • Orange = brewhouse = owned by a brewery but no brewing onsite
  • Grey = started as a craft brewery/brewpub but no longer craft*
  • Blue = your location
  • Red = address that you searched on

*We use the Brewer's Association definition of "craft".

Can I search for a brewery outside of the map?

Yes! Click on the "Breweries List" tab at the top of the page and you can find every brewery listed alphabetically. You can click on the 1st letter of the brewery you are looking for at the top of the list to jump to filter. When you click on the brewery, you will see additional information such as the email address and links to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (if they exist).

Do I have to create a login to become a member or purchase something from the store?

Yes, if you don’t already have a login, it will prompt you to create one.

What if I can't find a craft brewery or brewpub that I know exists?

Click here to send us an email and let us know!